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Productivity workshop photo3.5-Hour Virtual

Time Management Workshop

The Framework You Need to Prioritize What Matters Most

Are you tired of feeling over-committed, stressed, and constantly struggling to keep up with your never-ending to-do list?

It's time to regain control of your life and align your time with your values.

Join us for this virtual 3.5-hour Time Management Workshop, where we'll introduce you to the powerful Full Focus Goal Achievement System and equip you with the tools and strategies you need to redesign your to-do list and your week.

Upcoming Dates: 

  • December 8
  • January 3
  • February 6
  • March 5
  • April 9
  • May 7
  • June 4
Testimonial PAW (1)

Life doesn't have to feel like this ...

Are you fed up with the overwhelming stress of being pulled in a million different directions? You try to focus but you constantly get distracted. You are trying to find time to do it all, take care of yourself, and be present, but it's burning you out.

Deep down, you know life shouldn't feel this way. You believe there's a better way to navigate through it all.

You crave that satisfying feeling of truly accomplishing something meaningful, instead of watching your to-do list grow relentlessly by two tasks for every one you manage to check off.

You're aware of your untapped potential, but it often feels like there's never enough time, resources, or energy to tackle it all.

Who Should Attend?

This immersive workshop is designed for those seeking to overcome overwhelm and align their priorities for greater productivity and fulfillment. Whether you're an entrepreneur, a team leader, a working parent, or someone who feels trapped in an overscheduled life, this workshop is for you.

Entrepreneurs will discover practical strategies to streamline their workflow, set effective goals, and optimize their time to achieve business success while maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

Leaders will gain valuable insights on how to enhance team performance, foster a culture of productivity, and lead by example using the Full Focus Planner as a powerful tool.

Working parents will learn how to juggle their personal and professional responsibilities more effectively, ensuring they can make progress toward their goals without sacrificing family time or their health.

And for those yearning to break free from the cycle of over-commitment and overwhelm, this workshop will provide the necessary framework to regain control of their life and create alignment with what truly matters.

Join us and connect with a community of like-minded individuals who are on a similar journey of transformation. Don't wait any longer to reclaim your time, energy, and focus.


vertical workshop photo (1)
Testimonial PAW (2)

This Workshop Will Give You:

  • Clarity on your direction and ways to structure your goal to make them meaningful, exciting, and achievable.
  • A practical framework to guide how you organize your time and make the second half of the year more productive and intentional than the first.
  • Guidance to channel your scattered thoughts and actions into intentional daily action that will make progress toward your most important goals
  • Confidence to create the intentional change you've been dreaming of.
And much more awaits you, with a goldmine of insights and practical tools to explore.

The Full Focus Goal Achievement System provides the framework you need to create clarity and confidence to accomplish your most important work and prioritize other areas of life. 

You no longer have to struggle with

  • Feeling embarrassed by dropped tasks or the perpetual sense of dread that you're forgetting something
  • Feeling directionless with a lack of personal or professional purpose
  • Running tirelessly on the hamster wheel never to make progress on a never-ending to-do list
  • Inescapable distractions that prevent you from making any meaningful progress
  • Dreams that seem to never get closer because you're handcuffed to your current reality.

Leveraging the Full Focus Goal Achievement System, you will develop: 

  • A central storehouse for tasks
  • Worthwhile goals
  • Clear priorities
  • Consistent accountability
  • Actionable plans to make progress.

This system has transformed thousands of individuals and teams. If you're ready for a change, it can work for you too. And this is the framework you'll learn in this workshop.


Two Registration Options

  • Classic Registration: 3.5-Hour Virtual Workshop for $397
  • Diamond Registration: Workshop + Full Focus Planner + Free Admission to 1-Hour Q&A session 2 weeks post-workshop ($300 value) for $497