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5 Goal Setting Lessons from Finding Nemo

  • January 6, 2025

As you set your sights on new goals for the new year, let’s break down what not to do—through the lens of .... Finding Nemo!

My kids are 5 & 7, so I spend a lot of time watching Disney movies and this is what I think about. 
Turns out Dory and Marlin had a lot to teach us about persistence, mindset, and making things happen.


1. Stop Chasing Goals You Think You "Should" Want

(Marlin's Overprotection)

Marlin was all about keeping Nemo safe, but his should-based actions were rooted in fear (losing his kid), not true desire (wanting what's best for him).

The same goes for your goals—if they’re based on what others expect instead of what you want, following through will feel impossible.

Lean into your own desires.

Ask yourself: Why do I want this? If you can’t connect to a personal WHY, motivation will fade fast.

So, what do YOU WANT this year?

2. Believe It’s Possible

(Nemo's Escape Plan)

When Nemo was trapped in the tank, he didn’t focus on how impossible escape seemed—he decided it was possible and took small steps toward it (or one big plunge down the flusher. Talk about a brave decision!).

Visualization works the same way. Studies show the brain lights up the same way whether you’re visualizing success or actually doing the thing (think: pro athletes visualizing the winning shot).

Stop doubting and decide your success is inevitable.

3. Avoid Distractions – Take Aligned Action

(Dory's Tunnel Vision)

Remember how often Dory gets sidetracked?

We do the same when we set goals but don’t intentionally pursue them.

The urgent but unimportant tends to shout, while the important whispers.

Stay focused on what actually moves you forward.

Ask: Is this action aligned with my bigger vision?

Cut the 80% of busywork that’s just noise.

4. Don’t Quit When You Hit a Snag

(Marlin's Ocean Obstacles)

Marlin faced jellyfish, sharks, and more—he didn’t quit. He learned and adapted.

When you hit a bump in pursuing your goals, it’s not a sign to give up.

It’s feedback. Adjust your approach.

There’s always another HOW.

Just keep moving forward...or as Dory says: Just keep swimming.

5. Stop Seeking Validation

(Dory’s Blind Optimism)

Dory didn’t need anyone to believe in her. She kept going because she believed.

Your goals? They’re yours.

Not everyone will see your vision—and they don’t have to.

Keep the faith. Act as if it’s already yours, because it is.


Cheers to your success in the new year!

And if you’re feeling stuck or overwhelmed with your goals, let’s talk.
I’m passionate about helping business owners create inspiring goals and a realistic action plan so you can feel clear, confident, and in control this year.

Set up a free strategy session with me—I’m here to help you start strong!


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